
School is back in session for children across the country and with the beginning of the school year comes a respiratory illness that has affected children in ten states and sent hundreds to the hospital. The most likely
The latest in health news: there are many benefits to curbing obesity in women: remission of urinal incontinence after bariatric surgery and risk lowered for gestational diabetes if weight is maintained, and a back-to-school reminder to get your children up to date with immunization.
Medically, it just never made sense. Pfizer s Prevnar-13 pneumonia vaccine works very well in protecting against infection by Streptococcus pneumoniae the most common type of pneumonia, and the leading cause of death for adults 65 and older. (The 13 refers to the number of strains of the bacteria that the vaccine is designed to protect against.)
Catch the latest news on declining sale of traditional cigarettes, how BMI affects mortality in older adults, and how another major case of religious exemptions against vaccines is putting lives at risk in one Florida community
Catch the latest news on Ground Zero cancer reports, Kennedy's new anti-vaccine propaganda, and which state jumped on the GMO labeling bandwagon.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is putting out a book called, Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak: The Evidence Supporting the Immediate Removal of Mercury a Known Neurotoxin from Vaccines.
This year, our country has seen the highest incidence of measles 16 outbreaks and almost 500 reported cases since the year 2000 when the infection was declared eradicated in the
Catch the latest news on increasing rates of whooping cough in CA, what's holding up GM technology in some areas of the world and why you should stay away from Chikungunya- the mosquito-borne disease you probably haven't heard of
On rare occasions, a new vaccine or drug will work so well that a previously untreatable disease or condition quickly becomes a distant memory. It doesn t happen often, but when it does, the entire game changes in one inning.
Giving a combination vaccine, MMR-V (MMR plus varicella-chickenpox) vaccines at one time as opposed to separately, increases the risk of febrile seizures in infants. But the absolute risk is extremely low either way, much lower than the risk of measles, and such seizures have no significant sequelae.
Catch the latest news on unnecessary warning labels on sugary drinks, why GM labeling is not needed, and why cases of measles have climbed to an all-time high.
Following the 1994 enactment of the Vaccines for Children program which was aimed to provide vaccinations for children whose parents