
Antioxidants are the panacea that has never quite panned out. Tell people a product has antioxidants and many are eager to lap it up, eager for the benefits to their immune system, complexion, mental health, heart, joints, and just about everything else. Unfortunately, many studies have shown antioxidants do not add health benefits nor do they play a key role in preventing cancer or heart disease.
A new systematic review of published calcium articles reveals new findings on what to expect from different types of calcium and their correlation to bones.
If you ask nutrition experts about vitamins, they'll tell you all we need is what is typically already found in our diets. But if you ask the vitamin industry, you'll hear the exact opposite. Lucky for you we have the doctors on staff to tell you the truth.
As if we needed another supplement story. Between New York s Attorney General Eric Schneiderman s crackdown on retailers that have been selling adulterated or mislabeled supplements, to the discovery of an illegal
The latest in health news: long-lasting GM apples win the fight, while GMO labeling adds confusion for consumers, and added vitamins to foods does not make you eat a poor diet, despite what a NYTimes op-ed says.
Catherine Price asserts that it is the enrichment or fortification of processed foods with synthetic vitamins that allows (maybe even causes?) us to consume unhealthful diets
NYTimes discusses the shady industry of herbal supplements, Caliofrnia's Prop. 65 targets e-cigs for their nicotine, and more support for BPA comes from the European Food Safety Authority
In health news: why no one is to blame for this year's failed flu shot, one in five hysterectomies are unnecessary, & here's one supplement we do love!
This morning ACSH s Dr. Ruth Kava participated in a radio show on Ohio Public Radio The Sound of Ideas available here. The show s
Before you start jumping up and down, yes we know that it is a deficiency of vitamin B1 (thiamine) that causes beri-beri, and that niacin deficiency actually causes pellagra we figured that if pseudo-environmental groups like EWG and NRDC can sit in their recycled offices day after day writing utter nonsense, we could take take a few liberties with a vitamin, especially in pursuit of a pretty good pun.
Top stories: Mammography guidelines questioned, so-called pediatricians jumping on anti-vaccine bandwagon, and the sour news on Vitamin D, again.
We ve said it before, many times, but the data are still coming in to underline the fact that vitamin/mineral supplements are of no use in preventing chronic disease, and are sometimes harmful. Now, two new studies and an editorial in the Annals of Internal Medicine again substantiate this message.