
Last year, we wrote about four prescription drugs people hate. It isn't as easy to find drugs that people love, but we came up with four, each remarkable in its own way. You may be surprised by what made this curious list.
The anti-opioid zealots have benzodiazepines, especially Xanax, in their sights. The drug is being demonized by (more or less) the same people who created the fake opioid crisis. But how dangerous is it? It is nearly impossible to kill yourself with Valium, another member of the benzodiazepine class. Does this hold true for Xanax? Yes, more or less.
A new study of children s emergency hospitalizations for drug-related exposures finds that almost ten-thousand annual occurrences result from toddlers ingesting their parents meds. This is unacceptable and it s the so-called grown-ups fault.