Hank Campbell, founder of Science 2.0, named ACSH president

By ACSH Staff — Jul 07, 2015
Hank Campbell, founder of Science 2.0, named ACSH president

Hank Campbell Hank Campbell, founder of the groundbreaking movement known as Science 2.0 as well as the heavily-visited website which bears its name, has been chosen as the new president of the American Council on Science and Health.

"Since its inception in 1978, ACSH has been a trusted guide for the public on complex issues, and today that mission is more vital than ever," said Campbell. "I look forward to guiding this outstanding organization to even greater heights."

In 2006, Campbell began using web-based technology and his prescient site to deliver sound, science-based health information directly to the public.

While he will bring his energetic and innovative approach to his new position, Campbell, 49, will also continue the course charted by the late Dr. Elizabeth Whelan, the Council s longtime president, trailblazer and co-founder, who passed away in Sept. 2014 at the age of 70.

Dr. Elizabeth Whelan

Dr. Elizabeth Whelan

"Dr. Whelan was a giant on the public health scene, and her body of work advocating evidence-based decision-making - as well as her opposition to efforts promoting fear and doubt that undermine science - are part of our cultural DNA," said Campbell. "Her energy and enthusiasm lives on with our core of experts. Putting people's health needs first is the primary ideal for the panel of scientists and doctors we rely on, who help to ensure the public has a place to go for impartial, fact-based guidance."

In many ways, Campbell continued, Science 2.0 was inspired by the Council. Scientists have always known that anti-science groups use clever public relations to drive a wedge between the public and their work. So, in turn, they ve smartly embraced the ability to communicate research directly to the consumer. ACSH provides them with a world-class opportunity to increase public understanding of science and health even more.

Hank Campbell s Bio

Founder of Science 2.0, the largest independent science writing site in the U.S., with more than 15 million annual visitors

Prominent executive at Optimal Corp. & Ansoft Corp., two physics software companies

Co-author of Science Left Behind, an Amazon #1 Bestseller among environmental policy books

Former U.S. Army officer (1987-95), commissioned as Second Lieutenant

Duquesne University graduate (1987)

Pennsylvania native; married, father of two

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