2023 has been quite a year. Beginning with “Scoring some Ambien from the Online Pharmacy from Hell” to “More Opioid Idiocy,” 100 articles on a range of topics.
NOAA estimates the Pacific Snow Crabs population has dropped from 11.7 billion in 2018 to just under 1 billion in 2021 – the 2021 figure was confirmed by the readings in 2022. So, crab fishing is closed for the foreseeable future.
E&E's report on the EPA's Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC), sullied the reputation of one of ACSH's Board Members, Dr.
 Hank Campbell, founder of the groundbreaking movement known as Science 2.0 as well
The focus of the ACSH holiday menu is on "carcinogens," defined here a
Depression has often been associated with symptoms such as sadness, apathy and anxiety.