There has been an abrupt increase on social media in the number of professionals in my field who now call themselves experts on the blood type diet.
Food & Nutrition
During my undergraduate studies, discussions often focused on the gut microbiota’s role in gastrointestinal function, immune support, and its links to neurological disease.
I come not to praise nor to bury ultra-process foods. This piece, however, is an indictment of those trying to find a facile scapegoat [1] on which to blame current problems.
Factory farming, particularly in the poultry sector, has long been a cornerstone of modern food production, providing an abundant supply of meat and eggs to meet global demand.
“We eat first with our eyes” – Apicus
For many of us, it is a pain in the ass to make dinner, for ourselves, for two or the stereotypic family of 4.3 and a dog.
Ever had a Diet Coke that tasted awful—sour, metallic, like death itself? (1) There’s a scientific reason for that.
I find the Carnivore Diet one of the most absurd trends I’ve encountered.
The crisis is long over, but if you were a young family with babies three years ago, scary memories of escalating health worries and retail stores bereft of infant formulas remain.