Food & Nutrition

Organic Consumers Association, the notable militant trade rep group famous for creating anti-science Deniers For Hire like U.S.
A recent paper took brain scans and noted changes in response to beer flavor, namely increased activity in the right ventral striatum, which has been linked in other functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) papers to behavi
OK, so we already know that if you get emails from WebMD (also known as WebBM) on two consecutive days, and there is nothing related to fecal matter in the he
People with celiac disease, an autoimmune condition in which the complex protein gluten stimulates the production of antibodies that damage the small intestine, must avoid gluten-containing grains (wheat, barley, and rye) and their products.
It's World Organic Month. It's also Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and Sepsis Awareness Month. (1) You'll be forgiven if you don't know all that.
Children's nutrition is, of course, important for healthy growth and development, thus the concern about what they're eating at home, at school, virtually everywhere.
Boiling an egg is useful. It kills bacteria, such as Salmonella, which may be on or even inside the egg.
We here at the council enjoy debunking health fads. We especially enjoy debunking — in both print and video — weight loss fads.
We all know aerobic exercise (e.g. running, swimming, walking briskly) is good for the heart, and apparently it's also good for the brain. Of course, if one neglects to keep up with the activity, fitness declines. Dr. J.
When it comes to picking produce at the grocery store, don't judge a book by its cover! Spotted fruits and veggies aren't spoiled or harmful — they've simply been through a lot, and they need a little TLC.