Harm Reduction

When we speak about health literacy, we are referring to two different skills.
Lately, we keep expanding our winter vocabularies. From last year’s bomb cyclone to today’s snow squall, the term polar vortex already seems to be old news.
Since I dealt with my own gloveless hands burning from the freezing cold and bone-chilling wind in the early morning, it seems everyone I am encountering from then on is feeling the frigid weather and remarking about the pain they are enduring esp
Snap Judgment, a podcast that features stories that, literally, have a beat, reminded me that this week marks the anniversary of perhaps the greatest false-positive alarm our country may have ever experienced: the notification given to Ha
Let’s be real, some of us are ideal patients while the remainder of us could certainly use a little work in this arena. Admittedly, doctors are the worst.
Just yesterday, I put the finishing touches on an article titled, "10 Worst Bogus Health Stories of 2018." It turns out that my publication was slightly pr
Reducing the legal limit for a driver’s blood alcohol level (BAL) is considered “best practice” for reducing injuries and deaths from motor vehicle accidents (MVA).
Sold as a panacea but delivered to physicians as a glorified billing platform that erodes the doctor-patient relationship and adds yet another layer of third party prioritizing away from these key stakeholders, the electronic medical record (EMR)
The CDC released a report on Thursday that should cause widespread celebration: The prevalence of cigarette smoking among adults (14%) is at an all-time low since the federal govern
Randomized clinical trials remain the “gold-standard” evidence in making standards, that is the creation of clinical guidelines. They are a form of best practice creating a “floor” for the care patients receive.
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