Harm Reduction

In a rapid series of progressively escalating press releases by the Illinois Department of Public Health, it appears that a da
Climate change has been with us forever. Leave aside the current rancorous “debate” about the causes of our current climate, is there anything history can teach us about how human society copes when the weather around them change?
I had the distinct pleasure of being a reviewer for the 2018-2019 Community Grants program for Komen this Fall.
The media and Twittersphere are full of articles and comments on the recent fatal crash involving an Uber vehicle and pedestrian in Arizona.
Six years after the last update, a national panel of health experts focusing on disease prevention just determined that revised skin cancer guidelines were warranted.
There is a stunning lack of practicality in modern-day America.
It was bound to happen eventually. A self-driving car has killed a pedestrian, and even before the accident has been fully investigated, there are calls to stop testing self-driving cars.
The opioid epidemic is center stage when it comes to political agendas, media stories and national discussion.
There's no doubt about it. E-cigarettes have the potential to save millions of lives.
A new study published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology suggests increased use and overdose of the common over-the-counter (OTC) pain reliever and f
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