Lack of Human Immunity Makes Bird Flu More Worrisome

By ACSH Staff — Dec 21, 2005
A December 21, 2005 article by Catherine Donaldson-Evans notes the hopes of Dr. Gilbert Ross of ACSH that humanity will create a successful bird flu vaccine: "Eventually, when you have migrations of birds, you re going to get some cases in North America," said Dr. Gilbert Ross, medical director at the American Council on Science and Health...

A December 21, 2005 article by Catherine Donaldson-Evans notes the hopes of Dr. Gilbert Ross of ACSH that humanity will create a successful bird flu vaccine:

"Eventually, when you have migrations of birds, you re going to get some cases in North America," said Dr. Gilbert Ross, medical director at the American Council on Science and Health...

"We will see an effective vaccine, just like we've seen effective vaccines for nearly every other communicable disease except HIV and malaria," said the American Council's Ross.

He and others in the field urge that in the meantime, the immediate focus should be on taking precautions, both against bird flu and the regular garden variety that's crept up on us again this wintry season.

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