Time for City to Take Trans Fats Off the Menu

By ACSH Staff — Dec 18, 2006
A December 18, 2006 editorial by Laura "Fat Nag" Washington (her actual nickname, not our description of her) does not mention ACSH's Dr. Gilbert Ross but does mention another man named Gil Ross who also rejects the Fat Nag's call for a trans fat ban: [Fat Nag] also says "fiddlesticks" to the naysayer, libertarian types -- like her friend Gil Ross, a personal injury lawyer, dyed-in-the-wool Democrat, Harley biker, and all-around Grand Pooh Bah. Should the government protect public health by banning trans fats?

A December 18, 2006 editorial by Laura "Fat Nag" Washington (her actual nickname, not our description of her) does not mention ACSH's Dr. Gilbert Ross but does mention another man named Gil Ross who also rejects the Fat Nag's call for a trans fat ban:

[Fat Nag] also says "fiddlesticks" to the naysayer, libertarian types -- like her friend Gil Ross, a personal injury lawyer, dyed-in-the-wool Democrat, Harley biker, and all-around Grand Pooh Bah. Should the government protect public health by banning trans fats?

"It's not the role of government to be paternalistic," Ross ranted recently over his martini-and-spinach dinner at a Lake View restaurant. Especially the City Council. "I don't want them micromanaging my life and micromanaging businesses. If the restaurant chooses to cook with trans fats, they are welcome to advertise. Let the marketplace decide."

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