Support for Proposition. 37 waning, thankfully

By ACSH Staff — Oct 15, 2012
Vote no on proposition 37The tide seems to be finally turning in California.

Vote no on proposition 37The tide seems to be finally turning in California. While earlier polls indicated significant support for Proposition 37, which would mandate the labeling of many foods with genetically engineered ingredients, the latest figures show Californians are beginning to realize the ballot measure is nothing less than junk science scaremongering.

Support for the measure has plunged from 67 percent to 48 percent, according to an online survey of 830 likely California voters conducted by M4 Strategies for the California Business Roundtable and Pepperdine University School of Public Policy. Furthermore, the proportion of respondents likely to vote no on the proposal jumped to 40.2 percent, from 22.3 percent just two weeks prior.

The change in numbers is certainly good news for anyone interested in either economics and/or public health, says ACSH s Dr. Gilbert Ross. However, this is not the time to relax or become complacent the votes in favor still outweigh those against, despite the salutary trend, and there are still three weeks left. There has to be a stop to these agenda-driven proposals that facilitate the growth of junk science and propaganda, and do no good for anyone s health.

The recent drain in support could be attributed to the almost two-week ad blitz dominating television and radio airtime that has highlighted how the initiative would spawn numerous frivolous lawsuits and significantly boost food prices, something we could really do without given stagnant or falling wages over the past decade.

ACSH s Dr. Elizabeth Whelan welcomes the new numbers, stating, While this mandate is for California, people need to realize that the effects of passing Prop. 37 will not be confined to the state s borders there ll be national, even perhaps international repercussions.

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