Latest Stats On U.S. Obesity Rates Are Disappointing

By Ruth Kava — Oct 17, 2017
Despite the public health warnings about obesity, since 1999 its prevalence has increased markedly. And the latest CDC stats show that the trend continued for both adults and youngsters between 2014 and 2016. But amid the otherwise depressing statistics, there is a glimmer of hope buried within.

In the latest report on the topic, the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) paints a rather depressing picture of the status of the nation's obesity prevalence. In brief, in 2015-2016, just about 40 percent of American adults and nearly 19 percent of youth qualified as obese. These data reflect an increase since the previous report on the 2013-14 stats.

The information is derived from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) — a yearly survey that involves actual interviews and measurements of about 5000 persons per year. Obesity in adults was determined as a BMI of 30 or more for adults, and in youth as a BMI greater than the 95th percentile of age and gender-matched growth charts.

Analysis of the data from adults revealed that non-Hispanic Asian Americans had the lowest prevalence of obesity, while Hispanic and non-Hispanic black adults had the highest levels, as shown in the chart below.

For younger Americans, obesity prevalence varied by age, as in the chart below:

The lowest prevalence was seen in the 2-5-year-old group in both sexes.

Overall, the prevalence of obesity in both adults and youth have shown an increasing trend since 1999, as depicted below:

As this graph plainly indicates, the data from 2015-16 fit with the increasing prevalence pattern in both adults and youth. However, the NCHS report points out that the increases in both age groups between the 2013-14 and 2015-16 surveys were not statistically significant — and perhaps might indicate a real slowing of the increased prevalences.

Further, the fact that the obesity prevalence in the 2-5-year-old group was significantly less than in older youth might indicate the beginnings of a trend to maintain a lower weight profile — that parents are paying attention to the health risks associated with obesity and are trying to prevent their offspring from entering that category.

Whether these positive possibilities bear fruit regarding a plateauing of obesity prevalences in both adults and youth, only time will tell.

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