ACSH Podcast: 825 Million IQ points Lost to Lead Exposure, Alcohol Shrinks Your Brain?

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Introducing the ACSH Science Dispatch Podcast — the weekly show where we separate science fact from science fiction.

Health scares seem to lurk around every corner these days. From "toxic" pesticides to "ultra-processed" foods and BPA, the list of things that can supposedly kill us is endless. How do you spot genuine threats amid all the clickbait? Join us each week on the Science Dispatch Podcast and we'll show you how it's done.

On this debut episode, our directors of medicine and bio-science, Dr. Chuck Dinerstein and Cameron English, break down two recent stories about alcohol consumption and lead exposure.

  • Getting the Lead Out: How many IQ points have Americans lost due to lead exposure? A recent study put that figure at 824,097,690, though its conclusion probably doesn't mean what you think it means.


  • No, Half a Beer Won't Shrink Your Brain: Another paper also grabbed headlines by suggesting that consuming even small quantities of alcohol can shrink your brain. It's a shocking conclusion—and probably incorrect.

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