Unbiased Blood

By ACSH Staff — May 27, 2010
Times they are a-changin and the FDA is becoming more aware of this as they reconsider a rule implemented in 1983 that prohibits men who have had sex even once with another man since 1977 from donating blood. Originally put into practice due to fears that HIV would contaminate the blood supply, the rule now seems outdated with the current availability of more accurate testing to screen for HIV.

Times they are a-changin and the FDA is becoming more aware of this as they reconsider a rule implemented in 1983 that prohibits men who have had sex even once with another man since 1977 from donating blood. Originally put into practice due to fears that HIV would contaminate the blood supply, the rule now seems outdated with the current availability of more accurate testing to screen for HIV.

ACSH s Jeff Stier, one of the first to openly discuss and critique the FDA on this matter, in an 2007 article in The Huffington Post says,The only thing this policy does is make it harder to attract lifesaving donations.

Shawn Decker, a hemophiliac who contracted HIV through contaminated blood products, told CNN that potential blood donors should be screened based on risky behaviors like unprotected sex or IV drug use, not sexuality.

If the Federal Advisory Committee on Blood Safety and Availability chooses to follow Decker s advice and overturn this regulation, I will congratulate the FDA on finally adhering to sound science, ACSH's Dr. Gilbert Ross says.

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