Tobacco harm reduction in Williamsburg

By ACSH Staff — May 18, 2012
Dr. Ross heads off to Williamsburg, Va on Sunday, where a conference called Evidence-Based Science and Regulation of the Tobacco Industry is being held. While there, Dr. Ross will moderate two different panels, one titled Tobacco Harm Reduction and Medical-Ethical Issues, and the other called The Swedish Experience, which will discuss the role Swedish snus has played in lowering the rate of smoking-related diseases in that country.

Dr. Ross heads off to Williamsburg, Va on Sunday, where a conference called Evidence-Based Science and Regulation of the Tobacco Industry is being held. While there, Dr. Ross will moderate two different panels, one titled Tobacco Harm Reduction and Medical-Ethical Issues, and the other called The Swedish Experience, which will discuss the role Swedish snus has played in lowering the rate of smoking-related diseases in that country.