Jon Stewart never apologized for putting millions of children in danger

By Nicholas Staropoli — Aug 06, 2015
Tonight is Jon Stewart's last night as host of The Daily Show. We here at the American Council on Science and Health will be hoping he uses this broadcast to apologize for putting the lives of millions of children in danger.
5034694615_4d73108f9a_m Credit: David Shankbone CC2.0

Tonight is Jon Stewart's last night as host of The Daily Show. We here at the American Council on Science and Health will be hoping he uses this broadcast to apologize for putting the lives of millions of children in danger.

On July 20th 2005, Jon Stewart's guest was none other than Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Stewart not only gave RFK Jr a platform to spew his anti-science rhetoric on vaccines, but Stewart commented that he appreciated his guest's work for getting the word out about how vaccines cause autism.

To his credit, Stewart has reversed course in recent years and has produced informative and hilarious segments that educate parents on the importance of vaccinating their kids, while also mocking those who spread lies and fears about these life saving jabs. However, he has yet to apologize for his own role in spreading hysteria and misinformation about vaccines.

Here's a flipped-around video that somehow escaped Comedy Central lawyers, so you can watch anti-vax nonsense go unchallenged without rewarding them with advertising money. Why does Stewart let it go unchallenged and even say he "appreciates" it? It must have something to do with the name Kennedy.

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