What I'm Reading (May 11)

By Chuck Dinerstein, MD, MBA — May 11, 2023
Eat to beat it – disease, that is. I can’t walk and chew gum – multi-tasking Win-win, low price and high quality The best of our technology disappears
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“There is absolutely no doubt that along with exercise and favourable genetics, diet is a key preventative when it comes to disease. But curing disease by eating specific foods is another matter. The body is not a large test tube and humans are not giant mice.”

From Joe Schwarcz, Ph.D. of McGill’s Office of Science and Society, Can you eat to beat disease? Of course, if you follow ACSH, you already know the answer.


When given the opportunity, I will take my Shiba Inu, Juno, for a walk. She is quite content to sniff her way around the block, and I am quite content to let her lead as I follow. Of course, I encounter others along the way, most often running while multi-tasking with their ears. So I was caught by this phrase.

“I’d seen one other human, a slender mountain runner with a Camelback full of water, his ears clogged with earbuds. We traded thumbs up, but I puzzled over the need to listen to something other than wind and raven, the scuttle of a lizard, the skittering of small rocks underfoot.”

From High Country News, a piece by David Jenkins, During a pandemic, walk


Is there a way to get the best price and quality? Jack Devanney thinks so when he writes,

“Don't show me your certificates. Show me your guarantee.

So if we are going to base everything on price, what's to prevent the vendors from producing a shoddy product? Fear. Fear of production delays. Fear of rejected products. Fear of penalties. Fear of warranty claims.

When asked about quality, vendors will offer a long list of references and extol all their QA certificates. The proper response is ``Wow! That's really impressive. With such great quality, you should have no problem giving us a ten year guarantee with substantial penalties if the product fails."

From Gordian Knot, Real Quality Enforcement


When you hear the word technology, does your mind go to computers and AI? Some technology disappears in plain sight, like beds or lights.

“Like candles, nineteenth century sperm oil, gas, and kerosene lamps were expensive. In 1800, a typical middle-class urban household spent approximately 4% of its income on the oil, lamps, matches and candles that illuminated their lives. Building a house, they knew their windows’ location could optimize the light. Like Jefferson’s spinners, darkness constrained when they could work and read.

Today we spend much less for so much more.”

Issac Asimov said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Here is the take from EconLife, The Inventions That Really Made a Difference

Chuck Dinerstein, MD, MBA

Director of Medicine

Dr. Charles Dinerstein, M.D., MBA, FACS is Director of Medicine at the American Council on Science and Health. He has over 25 years of experience as a vascular surgeon.

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