Other Science News

Lars Larson and I discussed the urgent issue of organ transplants. Every day, 17 people in the US die waiting for a life-saving organ, and more than 100,000 are on the transplant list.
I have to admit that I am a sucker for Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, and James Ellroy, all of whom evoke the 20s and 30s feel of San Francisco and LA, my hometown.
Elasticity is one of those economic terms that concerns how willing you are to spend more for a given product.
And one more worry for the perpetually stressed.
If there's anything I enjoy more than snorkeling spending time with my wife, I can't think of it. So, off we were to Bermuda for five days of snorkeling. So we thought.
“In 1995, when Marion Nestle was on the committee drafting the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, things were run differently.
In the past, it was necessary to fill a large container, such as a trash can, with water and ice; today, companies sell a single product — the only difference being a few thousand dollars.
If we do not understand the problem, it is often difficult to achieve a solution. The author suggests that problems can be considered weak or strong-linked in this piece.
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