Other Science News

When a company fires several board members, things are not going well. That's what Whole Foods just did.
The sequoia, the tallest and longest-living tree on Earth, is a wonder of creation. With its massive trunk and staggering verticality, it's difficult not to be awed while in its presence.
I have written before about attributing care to individual physicians who lead a ‘team’ rather than to all of the team members.
Since I am a huge proponent of laughter often being good medicine, I didn’t have to look very far to find funny movie scenes that also delivered meaningful medical lessons. Limiting the number of options became the challenge!
Science writers have long suspected that the anti-GMO movement is linked to the anti-vaccine movement. Indeed, both are predicated upon one of the biggest myths in modern society: "Natural is better."1
Late last year, a story emerged questioning the validity of a paper that had made a big splash when it was published in Science earlier in 2016.
Recently, I gave a seminar on "fake news" to professors and grad students at a large public university. Early in my talk, I polled the audience: "How many of you believe climate change is the world's #1 threat?"
And, the award for promoting public health and being a patient advocate goes to... Ed Sheeran!
The efficacy of birth control is not something that can be agreed or disagreed with. It is both a scientific fact and a key issue in women's health. 
Supreme Court Justice Roberts is concerned about computer systems making judgments to assist judges in court.
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