Other Science News

In a world where optics, buzzwords and marketing magic carry as much meaning if not more than — it seems— the actual validity of the core concept or technology, nothing baffles me more than how a Theranos was able to rise and fall so precipitously
A naturopath is not a physician, should not be able to substitute for one, act like one or even play one on TV.
If this trend continues, Canadians may someday have more access to sugar than they have to ice skating. 
Basic —but vital—needs being met contribute significantly to overall health and well-being.  They play a substantial role in disease prevention, maintenance and the success of many therapeutic interventions. 
Mention the word "selfie" and the prevaling thought is usually one, to some degree, of self-indulgence.
Starting off with one broad (but bulletproof) generalization, the folks at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are a pretty sharp bunch.
Atul Gawande popularized the concept of medical ‘hot spotting” - originally, hot spotting was the practice of focusing on known crime areas and it became vital for reducing crime in New York City - to health matters in a
In a span of 72 hours, the Cleveland Clinic has fallen from being regarded as one of the top medical institutions in the country to a near 'trending topic' on twitter (and the hashtags are not good.)
We know that exercise is good for us, but, most of us don't do it. Only about 20% of Americans get the recommended amount of exercise. (1)
China, with one of the largest – if not the largest – elderly population on Earth, has a strong incentive to learn how to support or improve cognitive function for its older citizens.
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