Policy & Ethics

EPA’s Health Advisories
Senator Susan Collins (R‑ME) wrote an op‐​ed for Seacoastonline this week express
Countless articles at the American Council on Science and Health have reported on the studies underlying the regulatory science of glyphosate.  It would be fair to say that our analysis suggested little risk.
For those unfamiliar with the Texas Two-Step, you can find my earlier discussion of J&J here.
Authors: Kevin M. Ban and Robert Popovian (an ACSH advisor)
“Bioethicists and IRBs typically ethically recoil from offering an incentivizing compensation for research participation, potentially unduly influencing vulnerable individuals/communities.”
Today’s Wall Street Journal reports that recreational drug users
As usual, the answer is nuanced. Thousands of legitimate patients needing pain or anxiety relief find it nearly impossible to get their meds. That’s one tragedy.
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