Policy & Ethics

I have written previously about menthol, which is not only a flavoring.
Medicare Advantage’s Value Proposition
In response to claims by some critics of marijuana legalization that regular use might increase the risk of mental illness or suicide, my colleagues and I sought to d
"As the nation reckons with racial injustice, we cannot overlook our health system.
Throughout the pandemic, we've watched the media follow a predictable formula in their COVID-19 reporting.
As with many things digital, the EU has led the way, in privacy protections, in trying to define the ethics of artificial intelligence, and now trying to define what is high-risk.
Sorry, Marbury and Madison, get out of the way. Miranda, you are warned. Brown and the Topeka Board of Education, sorry, but you can take Roe and Wade with you on your path to legal oblivion. More than 250 years of U.S.
Protests erupted at California's state capitol earlier this week in the wake of Governor Gavin Newsom's proposed COVID-19 vaccine mandate for public school students.
For Biden’s vaccine mandate to survive judicial muster, it must both prevent grave danger in the workplace (as I
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