The upcoming surgery for the Rolling Stones' 75-year-old, legendary front man offers a choice between the gold standard operation (which is now 60), and a cutting-edge contender that non-invasively achieves the same result.
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About 10% of people report a penicillin allergy, but only 10% of them actually have it. The other 90% who thought they had an allergy are just fine. What's going on?
Here are two reports about bribery and health-care enterprises. Greasing the wheels of government with cash is another contributor to high medical costs.
A young woman ultimately diagnosed with a brain tumor claims "crippling headaches" were repeatedly dismissed as migraines. Headaches come in many forms, from benign to unsettling. So what are the red flags?
The cell is amazingly energy efficient. Capable of trapping about 38% of the energy that it receives from sugar, it may be the most energy efficient machine on Earth.
It was about two years ago that this northeastern city imposed a tax on sugary beverages to raise revenue and hopefully help improve the health of its residents. Of course, in terms of health, there have been no reports as to whether it made a difference. But there were some surprises, at least for the policymakers.
The self-proclaimed expert on opioids and addiction "agreed" to sit down with me and answer some tough questions about his background, medical insight and plans for the future. (Keep in mind that this "interview" took place on April 1.)
The coroner's report on the tragic death of a teenage girl last year in a Montreal suburb was just released. What was at first speculation now proves to be true.
Jeffrey Smith, a yogic flying instructor who leads the Institute for Responsible Technology, an anti-GMO organization, is now encouraging cancer patients to forgo modern medicine in favor of natural remedies from Asia. If patients follow his advice, they will die.
“How is this possible?” is the reverberating refrain in the media and online. But the reality is it isn't as rare as you would imagine. In fact, partially duplicated systems aren’t so uncommon.
Given the difficulty of discovering new antibiotics to treat resistant bacteria, microbiologists are exploring non-traditional approaches. ACSH advisor Dr. David Shlaes discusses a webinar in which "You couldn’t have a more authoritative and experienced set of presenters."
Drug discovery is a long, arduous process. Chemists and biologists have been eternally looking for methods to shorten it by trying to differentiate between chemical compounds that simply pop up in a test and those that have promise as drugs. Chris Gerry, a Harvard graduate student in Prof. Stuart's Chemistry & Chemical Biology group, describes a new, elegant where DNA is used to test "good" molecules, trillions at a time.
Honey doesn't treat erectile dysfunction. If it does, it might be spiked with Viagra.
Does glyphosate — the world’s most heavily-used herbicide — pose serious harm to humans? Is it carcinogenic? Those issues are of both legal and scientific debate. Learn the facts here.
Wine lovers have probably experienced this. When opening a bottle there can be a smell similar to one of a damp basement or wet dog. But there's nothing wrong with the wine. Instead, there's a trace chemical that leaked out of the cork, which confuses your olfactory receptors into thinking that the vino is fino. Yet it is not ruined. And now, here's a chemistry lesson from hell.
The byproducts of dry-cured ham may be a source of anti-hypertensive bioactive peptides, which could help improve cardiovascular health.
Delivery-focused technology is a boon for healthcare. Whichever company does it best will enhance care quality -- and even possibly reduce costs.
Inappropriate requests bombard physicians constantly. And identifying honorable ones from the more nefarious diverts substantial time away from patient care.
Backyard burial may seem like the easiest way to respectfully care for your pet’s remains. But it can be dangerous for other pets and wildlife, since most pets are put down with an extremely concentrated anaesthetic agent, pentobarbital. This drug remains in the pet's corpse for months, and any animal scavenging on the remains can be poisoned.
There's simply no way of knowing what anti-vaxxer RFK, Jr. will say on any given day. One day, he's comparing vaccines to the Holocaust. The next, he's helping spread cervical cancer.
U.S. Senator Kristin Gillibrand (D-NY) has officially announced her plans to run for president in 2020. Part of her platform is women's health. Yet, her recently announced (and totally misguided) plans for "solving" the "opioid crisis" will disproportionately hurt women, an irony that Gillibrand obviously missed.
A dietary supplement spiked with a real prescription drug? Big deal. But one spiked with six different drugs? We're talking some serious effort here. If you're curious why there are six drugs present in a bottle that is supposed to be "natural" and "drug-free," you should be. Welcome to the world of dietary supplements.
Biogen's latest effort at an Alzheimer's Disease treatment has been withdrawn. Treating biomarkers, measurable substances associated with a disease -- in this case, plaques -- will not work.
Given therapeutics in the cancer category dominate the list is not so surprising, given the hefty price tag they yield. Where there is a great return there tends to be a great investment.
We know health's basics including making good choices about nutritious foods. That said, are subsidies and large scale federal programs the best way to support healthful choices?
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