
Bad baby advice is ubiquitous, it seems. You can find it in every corner of the internet, sometimes proffered by well-meaning but misinformed parenting groups on social media, but more often by websites with ulterior motives.
It's May 1st in New York. The composition of the air is roughly 50% pollen and 50% nitrogen, oxygen, etc. Could anyone use a decongestant? How about an effective decongestant? How do you pick the right one?
The flu may be almost over, but another pesky season is just around the corner: allergy season. It affects up to 60 million people in the U.S. each year, and it's easy to mistake for the common cold. How can you tell them apart?
Several years ago, a school bus full of elementary students in Massachusetts was evacuated. A potentially deadly item was found on the floor. Was it a gun? A bomb? A blood-contaminated hypodermic needle?
Multiple myeloma is a type of blood cancer. B-cells, immune cells that play a crucial role in adaptive immunity, differentiate into plasma cells that secrete the antibodies we need to fight infections and other foreign invaders.
The mysterious world of allergies got a little st
If spring evokes thoughts of tissues rather than love because of allergies, there may be some