
Imagine spending a decade of your life dedicated to a malignant, fanatical cause only to have it unceremoniously crammed into the paper shredder by your successors. 
Just when you think that maybe people are finally starting to figure out that the war on prescription opioid analgesics has instead been a war on pain patients and the doctors who treat them, a tidy package of misinformation
I recently wrote how Antibe's experimental analgesic/anti-inflammatory drug, otenaproxesul, something that would represent a quantum leap in chronic pain management, ran into quite a snag (See 
I have been writing about the now disastrous consequences of withholding opioid pain medications from pain patients with legitimate needs since 2013 – well before most other organizations.
A recent perspective piece in the Washington Post is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the so-called "opioid epidemic."&nb
#An opinion piece by ACSH advisor Dr. Jeffery Singer and Dr. Josh Bloom entitled "Stop Making Surgeons Undertreat Postoperative Pain" was published in the latest issue of General Surgery News.
I am a technically trained non-physician who advocates on behalf of patients who are now being widely denied safe and effective opioid therapy for their pain.  I’ve been active in this field for 25 years, communicating with tens of thousands
Good Morning PROP members (1). Did you sleep well? I sure hope so, but if not, it's understandable.
To update a very old adage: "The Pain is Always Less Painful on the Other Side of the Border."  Same old, same old, but worse
With all eyes focused on the COVID-19 pandemic, it is easy to lose sight of the other epidemic, one that claimed an estimated 76,000 lives during the 12 months endin
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