brain cancer

Senator John McCain's (R-AZ) office just released the following statement with regard to his current clinical status while battling an aggressive form of brain cancer known as Glioblastoma (aka GBM).
Like most, my initial reaction to such a challenge is “umm, no thanks.” But, I admit I am not much like the long distance running extreme endurance athlete set. A unique club.
I hope you enjoyed Part I of the "Brain Tumors: Fact vs. Fiction" series.  
Beau Biden, son of Vice President Joe Biden, died from brain cancer.  As did Senator Edward “Ted” Kennedy.  Brittany Maynard - suffering from a terminal type - became widely known for fighting for her right-to-die.  
A surprising finding in a new JAMA study: adding alternating electrical-field application to
While the NIEHS-sponsored journal Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) has always been nothing more than a propagand
New York State Attorney General cites American Council on Science and Health Director of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science Dr. Josh Bloom and ACSH Advisor Dr. David Seres in criticizing dietary supplements.
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