
On July 13, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) finally allowed women to access one birth
The world of contraception might soon have a new participant — if the upcoming trials are successful. And this one’s for men.
Bespoke condoms hit the market. With all that can be custom-made these days, why not them? Hoping to tackle the rampant fit and feel complaints of many men, Global Protection Corp.
Men considering vasectomy for a permanent form of birth control may be leery of the procedure because of fears that it might increase the risk of prostate cancer.
The US House of Representatives, in its quest to "repeal and replace" the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), has included in its effort a proposal to "defund" Planned Parenthood.
The efficacy of birth control is not something that can be agreed or disagreed with. It is both a scientific fact and a key issue in women's health. 
As it stands now, the burden of contraception rests heavily on a woman’s shoulders.  Male contraceptive options have been limited to the pull-out method, condoms, and the dreaded “V’ word – vasectomy.  Understandably, most men shy a
Some men would give their right testicle to have access to contraception that doesn't involve pleasure-killing condoms or cringe-inducing surgical snips. Biology, unfortunately, has made targeting contraception at the female reproductive syst
With the heartbreaking photo of a Syrian child rescued from a bombed house making its way around the internet -- as well as our nonstop election circus -- it's time for some good news for a change.
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