Inexperienced journalists commonly make a mistake known as “burying the lede,” or hiding the most crucial aspects of a story underneath lots of distracting and l
One of the more controversial moves during the administration of former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg was the banning of synthetic trans-fatty acids (TFAs) from NYC eateries (in 2007) because of concern about deleterious influence
Once again, the echo chamber nature of press releases serves to promote misleading science and health clickbait.  This time it is with headlines like “Tobacco, but not pot, boosts early stroke risk.” 
The next time you plan on working overtime, you might want to think again.
About 69 million Americans are not as young as they think they are.
It seems like every week, there s another study on the health benefits of chocolate getting major news coverage.
The Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial (VADT) began about 15 years ago.
If you asked a representative sampling of American women whic
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