
In the 1996 film Multiplicity, Michael Keaton plays an overworked construction worker who gets cloned so that he can spend more time with his family.
It's been one of those days where the truth is stranger than fiction.
Writing in Scientific Reports, Dr.
Spend enough time with another person, and you begin to pick up their mannerisms. Such behavioral "synchronization" is a mechanism by which we build social cohesion.
Are you your dog? Is your dog you? Or, elements of your personality traits anyway. Researchers set out to explore these and other queries. Can we extrapolate from this new science to apply these questions to your human children?
Your dog loves rawhides - that's a fact. But someone may have told you to stay away from them. Why? Take a look at the Good, the Bad, and the Debunked about your pet's favorite chew bone. 
Man's best friend — the dog — is a versatile creature. Dogs can work as herders, guards, guide dogs and even provide therapy for hospitalized patients.
If the photo attached to this article does not make you smile, then I question whether you have a soul.  The act alone contributes to such known positive health benefits.  So, take a little look inside and find your joy - whether it is w
Dogs love peanut butter— but just because they go nuts over that delicious goodness does not mean every type of nut is safe for your furry friend. We chatted with Dr. Tim Hunt about which common types are safe to feed your pooch!
You've seen that look: the big sappy eyes, staring through your soul... yep, that's just your dog beggin' for human food next to the dinner table.
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