
Watching the jaw drop or tug-of-war facial reaction battle of another person when they discover my educational and career endeavors is so uniformly commonplace that I would be hard pressed to come up with a day let alone a week where such an occur
All you have to do currently to encounter an influx of negativity and persistent “what ifs” or anxiety is turn to social media or any news outlet.  This pervasive, chronic theme—no matter where you fall on the political spectrum—has been ever
Excited to report that a new study in Health Affairs provides us with another metric that we have previously known and repeatedly been shown in the literature (and
Calcium is an essential element needed by all living organisms. Since its introduction into the biological realm, there have been many studies investigating the link between calcium intake and its homeostatic role in living organisms.
Basking in the afterglow of the 50th anniversary of the truly landmark first Surgeon General
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