hydraulic fracturing

The US government s most comprehensive examination of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) an
The Obama administration issued rules for hydraulic fracturing (fracking) on federal land
The latest in health news: The Pennsylvania Environmental Protection Agency releases review on low-risk fracking, a stem cell transplant method provides new hope for MS treatment, & why Golden Rice mustn't be stopped.
Latest in health news: Dietary supplements won't help you lose weight, not surprising; get vaccinated against the flu, seriously; and lawmaker shows support for fracking
The latest health news: Some STD rates down, but many still go unreported, a shout out to a cogent Forbes article on fracking, and remember Dr. Oz's advice? Forget it.
After putting off the decision during his self-imposed four-year moratorium, Governor And
10.The Food Babe attacks ingredient found in Subway bread
The controversy surrounding the use of hydraulic fracturing fracking continues to mak
In an op-ed piece in the blog City and State, upstate Republican Congressman Chris Collin
Catch the latest health news: Why soft bedding is dangerous to infants, smoking rates down but not quite enough, and an unexpected location for fracking waves
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