
An article in the New England Journal of Medicine reports on the mortality associated with high blood pressure, hypertension.  It was not surprising that hypertensive patients fared worse than those not similarly afflicted.
High blood pressure, hypertension, is a pervasive health problem in the U.S. and globally. It consumes significant amounts of health dollars and is a co-morbidity or risk factor for many of the chronic diseases that ‘plague’ Western society.
“You are what you eat” – that phrase often forms the basis for dietary advice. And in some instances, that information can be helpful. In particular, I am thinking about the role of salt and high blood pressure or hypertension.
As we've noted before, the amount of sodium an adult should consume has been, and still is, a bone of contention, with some experts finding t
Mention high blood pressure and most of the diet-conscious among us think "lower salt intake" to manage it.
All too frequently, the things we do daily become routine.  This is likely true of many tasks in a multitude of professions.  It’s just that in certain fields, like medicine, seemingly mundane and tedious duties can—all too often— provid
It isn’t hard to imagine that as our enlarging and ever-stiffening polarized political spheres come to a head, an article about what maintains the penis’ potency might be a kind of crowning glory.
The prevalence of dementia in the United States significantly declined from 11.6% in 2000 to 8.8% in 2012.  A new study by JAMA Internal Medicine
Potato Harvesting via Shutterstock
It's widely understood that obesity is often linked to high blood pressure. And BP is a leading risk factor for heart disease and stroke, as well as kidney problems, and it increases the risk of Type-2 diabetes and metabolic derangements.
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