infectious disease

Everyone has one, something they find disgusting; whether it is a crawling insect, body odor, or a bruised banana. But setting aside, for the moment, the actual source of disgust, why is that such a universal experience?
Even with the advent of the antibiotic era, infectious diseases are a global health concern.
The reason there is no universal flu vaccine is because the influenza virus constantly changes.
The exhaled breath or “blow” squirted from the Eastern Australian humpback whale is replete with its own viral ecosystem or virome.
Unless they're eradicated smallpox-style, infectious diseases never disappear. Like an unlucky penny, they can show up at any time.
Before modern study of microbiology, how diseases spread was essentially unknown.
It's easy to get sick during a flight, right? With the recycled air and all of those people cramped together - isn't a plane basically a flying petri dish?
A new CDC report says that, in 2017, there were 9,093 new cases of tuberculosis in the United States.
The Spanish Flu of 1918, which caused a pandemic, is estimated to have killed about 2% of the world population, a death toll greater than the military deaths of World
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