
Join host Cameron English, Dr. Chuck Dinerstein and Dr. Barbara Pfeffer Billauer as they break down these stories on Episode 50 of the Science Dispatch podcast:
The American public's trust in US media has cratered in recent years. Just “7% of U.S.
Attacking pesticides is sexy. Many activists, lawyers and journalists have made careers out of propagating a simple, compelling narrative about the chemicals farmers use to produce our food.
In the mediocre but strangely prescient James Bond movie Tomorrow Never Dies, the villain is a media mogul named Elliot Carver who tries to instigate a war between the UK and China to grow his empire.
Elvis is still alive. Osama bin Laden is still alive. Paul McCartney is dead. These are just a handful of the conspiracy theories involving the alive/dead status of various famous people. Now, we can add Steve Jobs to the list.
Journalism is thoroughly inept and corrupt. The quality of journalism has gotten so bad that I have whittled down my trusted sources to merely a handful. Even then, when it comes to science, these sources often get it wrong.
The CDC released a report on Thursday that should cause widespread celebration: The prevalence of cigarette smoking among adults (14%) is at an all-time low since the federal govern
In the past decade, has your trust in the news media changed? If you're like most Americans, it has fallen, perhaps substantially.
The Gray Lady has gotten raunchy in her old age.
One of the biggest problems of our hyperpartisan culture is that everything has been turned into a morbid game show.
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