junk science

Somewhere along the way critical reasoning and a healthy dose of skepticism were supplanted by tacit acceptance as fact press releases and publications generated from academic institutions, those “perfectly” credentialed and arbitrarily deemed sci
When life hands us lemons, we can make refreshing lemonade. We can squeeze them in tea to soothe colds and congestion. But we can't prevent or cure disease, especially cancer.
A lot of alternative medicine sounds reasonable enough.
Apparently, you can make any claim with an Asterisk (*), so long as the asterisk clarifies that your claim isn't true. In one of Dr.
Busybodies in the American public, never content to leave other people alone, always seem to need a common enemy to rally against. For years, it was McDonald's. Then it was Monsanto and Big Pharma. Now, it's Big Soda.
The American Council on Science and Health has spent nearly 38 years debunking "bad" science, by which we mean pseudoscience, junk science,
This is the first in a weekly series in which each week I will
The legal system requires proof and in 2015 science is often likely to provide it, so lawyers need to know what is good science v
An informative Washington Examiner
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