
  Official Health Report for SANTA CLAUS         CLAUS, SANTA
Finally, some worthwhile data.  
A recent health story is currently making the rounds proclaiming that some forms of exercise, as well as participation in three particular racquet sports, are better than others for your overall health and will help you live longer.
All you have to do currently to encounter an influx of negativity and persistent “what ifs” or anxiety is turn to social media or any news outlet.  This pervasive, chronic theme—no matter where you fall on the political spectrum—has been ever
By Stephanie Bucklin, Live Science Contributor Men still aren't living as long as women — and that holds true for humans' primate cousins as well, a new study shows.
Excited to report that a new study in Health Affairs provides us with another metric that we have previously known and repeatedly been shown in the literature (and
Among doctors caring for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, it is well known that the disease which
Last weekend s New York Times Review had a most informative and comprehensible article explaining
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