
With recreational marijuana spreading from state to state, it has been instructive to watch an industry emerge witnessing in real time economic principles and strategies being deployed.
Not only did Americans vote on members of Congress this week, but citizens of several states also voted on various science- and health-related policy issues. How did those turn out?
Dogs get poisoned, not “just stoned” from marijuana exposure.
We always knew when our PhD advisor was applying for a grant. He would pace the hallways, then go outside and smoke. A lot. (Thankfully, he's quit since then.)
Since its founding in 1978, the American Council on Science and Health has been vehemently anti-smoking. Cigarettes kill people, if not from cancer, then from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
The legalization of marijuana across the U.S. is beginning to reveal a treasure trove of information.
Fake pot has a problem. Because people assume that pot is harmless, they also assume that synthetic pot is harmless. But that is a grave mistake.
I voted to legalize recreational marijuana in the State of Washington. My general belief is that adults should be allowed to do whatever they want to do, as long as they aren't harming anybody else.
A recent editorial in JAMA Marijuana, Secondhand Smoke, and Social Acceptability begins by remarking on “The cloud of secondhand marijuana smoke” vis
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