media bias

The Facebook page "I Fu**ing Love Science" became an internet sensation a few years ago, largely because it had nice graphics, engaging headlines, and liberal use of the F word.
Every decent science writer has, at some point in his or her career, been called a "corporate shill." It's a rite of passage.
We at ACSH don't like to brag (1). But I'll make an exception this time. Here's why.
The CDC released a report on Thursday that should cause widespread celebration: The prevalence of cigarette smoking among adults (14%) is at an all-time low since the federal govern
For roughly the last two years, the media has been warning us that climate change is threatening the world's supply of coffee beans.
In the past decade, has your trust in the news media changed? If you're like most Americans, it has fallen, perhaps substantially.
The air is nasty in Seattle today. A white smog has settled all over the city, as far as the eye can see.
RT is the Kremlin's propaganda outlet in the United States and around the world. As such, it broadcasts "news" (mostly, the fake variety) that advances the agenda of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
It has been a gruesome few weeks for United Airlines. After making international headlines for dragging a paying customer off a plane, it earned yet more notoriety when a giant bunny died on one of its flights. 
Today, it seems that honest disagreement just isn't possible. Social media, which has become a sewage pipe of political hyper-partisanship and unscientific propaganda, magnifies this disturbing trend.
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