
Our conversation starts with Britain's King Charles and his past antagonism toward molecular genetic engineering.
If you want to win an argument, you can employ one of two strategies: make compelling arguments that convince your audience, or engage in personal attacks designed to disqualify your opponents.
The world has a misinformation problem.
Throughout the pandemic, we've watched the media follow a predictable formula in their COVID-19 reporting.
By Josh Bloom, PhD; Alex Berezow, PhD; Chuck Dinerstein, MD, MBA; and Thom Golab
In the mediocre but strangely prescient James Bond movie Tomorrow Never Dies, the villain is a media mogul named Elliot Carver who tries to instigate a war between the UK and China to grow his empire.
Though we've been debunking junk science for more than 40 years, we never cease to be amazed by the amount of hype and exaggeration that continues to permeate the mainstream press.
The Beatles song "Here, There, and Everywhere" was about romance, but it also describes ACSH's presence in the media in recent days.
Have you started your Christmas and/or Holiday shopping? If you're like us, you're putting it off to the last minute because you're too busy with other things. Here at ACSH, we've been busy telling the world about science.
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