
Inclusivity for those with chronic disease or differing abilities is gaining momentum as a fashion trend. And it is about time, for all of the innumerable obvious reasons.
Accountable care organizations, are a new organization of healthcare, combining some aspects of insurance and health systems. They are collaborations which are paid a capitated rate, based on risk, and provide all care to these beneficiaries.
In the not-so-new realm of nontraditional health coverage, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is expanding their Medicare Advantage plan to include benefits that meet patients “unique health needs” and improve “their quality of l
Just a quick note. I have written previously about the Independent Payment Advisory Board.
United Healthcare, the largest provider of Medicare Advantage (MA plans) services, is being sued by the Department of Justice (DOJ) for fraud.
In the last week, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) posted a
Are you shocked by this news?  Me, not so much.  But, hats off to the Harvard research team and their new approach to tackling gender inequality in medicine by getting back to the basics:  Let the evidence speak for itself.  An
  Welcome to my first in a new series entitled:  The Shackling of the Physician.  It was that or “limitless inane continuous regulations and impositions imparted on the doctor against his/her will without his/her input that ser
Perhaps the doctor is not in the house. Image: Shutterstock
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