
Back in 2012, we noted the good news that the prevalence of obesity and severe obesity in children served by federal food assistance programs had diminished.
It's common knowledge that as a country, we've been getting fatter for decades. In some states the prevalence of obesity is over 35 percent, as it is in adults over all, as shown in the graphic below.
Insulin resistance is a hallmark of type 2 diabetes, and occurs in more than one type of body tissue. For example, insulin-resistant muscle will not respond normally when insulin directs it to take up glucose from the blood.
Is breakfast really the most important meal of the day, and if you habitually skip it are you dooming yourself to obesity and worse?
In a nod to science, Newsweek reported that there might be genetic underpinnings to obesity.
Apparently little attention has been paid to the risk of knee dislocation and vascular damage in obese and morbidly obese people, according to Dr. Christopher T. Born from the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University and colleagues.
College campuses are dictating what costumes are offensive. Social media is deluged with healthy Halloween options, like dispensing kale chips instead of the real good stuff.
It’s a persistent question — does it make any difference how one’s meals are distributed during the day? Research has suggested that, given the same caloric intake, when one eats really doesn’t affect one’s body weight.
In the latest report on the topic, the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) paints a rather depressing picture of the status of the nation's obesity prevalence.
For the extremely obese (i.e., those with a BMI over 40), the most effective means of losing weight and keeping it off is bariatric surgery — as we have di
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