
Writing in her blog at the National Institute On Drug Abuse, Dr. Nora Volkow and co-author Dr.
The following article, which was written by ACSH advisor Dr.
Often, the act of forgetting takes on a bad connotation – ranging from less problematic to disastrous.
Some symptoms present more of a challenge to doctors than others.
As my co-worker handed me an advertisement addressed to me, she said “I know you are going to throw it out, but that’s your call” while we laughed in unison at my historical lack of guile given the circumstance.
Chronic pain is a major public health challenge. That's not just because it is estimated to cost over half a trillion dollars annually in medical costs, disability programs, and lost productivity.
An estimated 100,000+ people in the US, the majority of whom are black or Hispanic, suffer from a hereditary condition, which causes changes in the structure and function of red blood cells.
Without a doubt, almost all alternative medicine is junk science.
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