
There is a lot of chatter whenever a larger baby is born and exceeds a hospital’s record. The media storm that follows, social and mainstream, makes for the viral nature of the images.
The so-called “fourth trimester” is a catchy name being used to focus on the first three months of a baby’s life after birth and mom’s postpartum period.
Ideology, not medical reality, and activism have infected much of modern parenting these days.
It might be time for a pendulum shift if we hope to embolden today’s children with resilience.
There seems to be a formula for selling books in the medical space which serves as a catalyst for media coverage, self-appointed expertise for speaking fees and ultimate product sales. In the pediatric realm, it is especially rampant.
A Facebook memory popped up with the picture accompanying this article. The act alone changed my entire mood, filling it with laughter and warming my heart. That picture was taken the day I returned to work after a vacation.
SPOILER ALERT: A key theme in the movie will be revealed in this article.
As my co-worker handed me an advertisement addressed to me, she said “I know you are going to throw it out, but that’s your call” while we laughed in unison at my historical lack of guile given the circumstance.
Now, Disney Princesses and films are under attack.
There are a lot of public plays albeit via media outlets, advocacy groups or the like, positioning childbirth as a debate.