
It seems not a month goes by without an “investigative reporter” somewhere on the internet warning about the dangers of pesticides and the EPA's failure to do anything about them.
For the better part of six years, anti-GMO groups circled the wagons around a single message: the weed killer Roundup (glyphosate) causes cancer, specifically Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL).
If you remember your high-school US history class, you know that prohibition was an abject failure.
OK, EWG, I've perused your website and been warned about the produce with the most pesticide residues, as well as your list of the supposedly "cleanest" ones.  And I know that you don't do the testing for pesticide residues yourselves, but re
The latest in health news: anti-vaxxers stand by their beliefs while measles breaks in Disney and a new study confirms their safety, antiviral drugs may be the alternative to the failed flu shots but not all experts agree, and in the court of publ
Look, there has never been any solid evidence at all that the most common herbicide (weed-killer) used in Ameri
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