
Open displays of bipartisanship are rare these days and, as such, should be applauded. Unfortunately, a recent example of bipartisanship promotes junk science and bogus health claims.
Back in 2008, we published the first edition of Celebrities VS Science, our effort to combat scientific fraud by exposing, and correcting, the nonsense promulgated by some well-known celebrities, such as Gwyneth Paltrow.
An international team of medical experts recently published a global call to action in Science Translational Medicine in an effort to curb the unethical, unsubstantiated use o
A lot of alternative medicine sounds reasonable enough.
ACSH followers are clear about the problems associated with fake science — from the promotion of supposed obesity "cures" by Dr. Oz to the nonsense of hydrogen-infused water, we've covered a myriad of pseudoscience.
John Podesta, campaign manager and a close advisor to Hillary Clinton, believes the government has not divulged everything it knows about UFOs and Area 51.
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