I have a long-standing interest in sickle cell anemia, a genetic abnormality that is the scourge of approximately 100,000 Americans, primarily Black, who are afflicted with it.
Sickle cell anemia
Within high-density lipids are proteins, apolipoproteins to be exact, that bind to fats to aid transport and assist in metabolism. One of them, apolipoprotein L1 (APOL 1), is a ubiquitous but relatively minor player in fat transport.
An estimated 100,000+ people in the US, the majority of whom are black or Hispanic, suffer from a hereditary condition, which causes changes in the structure and function of red blood cells.
Between increased competition for limited resources in research funding and medical conditions that have powerful and prominent champions, among other issues, it can be especially challenging for rarer conditions like Sickle Cell Disease to remain
Dear Hollywood:
Yesterday, I had the pleasure of traveling to Washington, DC to film on set at Al Jazeera for a live television program that engaged a global discussion on sickle ce