
We have written about peer review at ACSH; here is a slightly different take from Marginal Revolution.
You would think that with all the emphasis on the need for a restful night's sleep, getting a night's rest while hospitalized would be a snap. You, of course, would be incorrect.
“In 1894, Marie de Manacéine, one of the first female physicians in Russia, published a remarkable paper showing that when puppies were completely deprived of sleep, they died after just a few days.
The early bird gets the worm. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. There are plenty of platitudes that justify the widespread belief that getting up early is the best way to start the day.
It is time to learn a bit about ice cores, those samples of deep ice from our poles
For years, waking up in the morning was a real gamble. Would I have a pounding migraine or wouldn't I?* I remember thinking (sometimes out loud), "What's the point of sleeping if I feel so awful in the morning?"
The FDA just approved a new sleeping pill – the second in a class that works by a novel mechanism – a dual orexin receptor antagonist.
Imagine a world where no matter where you turn, albeit your phone, the television, social media or a billboard, you are confronted with happy, healthy and even marginally optimistic images or messages?
Insomnia is a tricky subject. Those who suffer from the condition -- perhaps 10% of the population -- exhibit a wide variety of characteristics.
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