social media

The media trope “if it bleeds, it leads” is at play in undermining accurate messages with respect to the status of vaccine compliance. A fear-based technique intended to capture the audience by news outlets is, sadly, a tried-and-true one.
It seems lately that there isn’t a week that passes without a viral social media story or news account of a neighbor calling the police on a child, albeit one selling lemonade or mowing lawns.
The Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) is a quick, 10-question test that attempts to objectify an inherently subjective topic: depression.
One of the key pillars of suicide prevention is identifying those at risk of suicide and getting them the counseling or treatment that they need. Typically, this responsibility falls to family, friends, and therapists.
One of the predictable consequences of our tribalistic, hyperpartisan society is a collapse in basic decency.
An often toxic mixture of snark and narcissism, Twitter usually does not bring out the best in humanity. Amidst all the noise, however, scientists are searching for a useful signal: A predictor of mental illness.
Whether they like to admit it or not, scientists want to have a broad impact on society.
Americans don't agree on much these days. But one thing upon which we do agree is that something is deeply broken in our society.
'Do as I say, not as I do,' said every plugged-in parent ever.
For a recent 15-year stretch, one trend line had been moving downward. During that same period, another had been moving upward. The first charts unintentional activity; the second, deliberate action.
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