gender differences

“In effect, the broadening clinical experience of managing CVD conditions that manifest differently between women and men, combined with the accumulating data on sex-specific CVD presentations, suggest that cardiovascular pathoph
Some years ago, when Jennifer Pluznick was nearing the end of her training in physiology and sensory systems, she was startled to discover something in the kidneys that seemed weirdly out of place.
It's obvious to just about anyone who is paying attention -- and to most biologists, in particular -- that there are some very important differences between men and women that go far beyond the concentrations of their hormones and the shapes of th
Should transgender individuals play sports according to their biological gender or the gender with which they identify? That's a devilishly difficult question.
It's every sports fan's worst nightmare: Your favorite player suffered a torn ACL and is out for the season.
Complaining about another state's drivers is something of a national pastime. Here in Washington State, Oregon drivers are the target of our wrath; in Illinois, where I grew up, we picked on Missouri drivers. (The "Show Me State"?
MedCure is a company whose mission is to get as many people to donate their bodies to science as possible. There's certainly no shortage of potential customers. The trouble is getting people to make the leap and sign up.
Women suffer about twice as many severe headaches and migraines as men.
Watching an autopsy has a way of changing one's view on death. Every single one of us – rich, poor, white, black, male, female, religious, atheist – will one day be on a cold metallic cart with a tag on our toe.
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